Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Big Bang and the Epoch's of Creation

The Following is a list and small description of what was going on during the few fractions of a second after the big bang. Time frames are given in what are known as epochs, being that in a certain tome frame something significant is occuring.
1)The Planck Epoch
-ocurring 10^-43 seconds after the big bang
-Fundamental forces unifed as a single force
-extremely high temperature
2)Grand Unification Epoch
-occured between 10^-43 and 10^-36 seconds after the big bang
-gravitational force breaks away from the other forces(known as the gauge forces)
-cooling begins due to expansion
3)Inflation Epoch
-occured between 10^-36 and ??? seconds after the big bang
-inflation similar to the inflation due to dark matter occurs
-some theorize that the expansion may have something to do with the higgs boson.
-the end of this epoch is unknown, in fact some believe that it may be infinite in time.
4)Electroweak Epoch
-occured between 10^-36 and 10^-12 seconds after the bbig bang
-more cooling
-the strong and weak forces are able to break from each other due to the cooling
-this is the time that the constituens of the particles we know best are created.
-baryons are the familiar protons, neutrons, electrons
-this is when we noticed a deviation in the distribution of matter, in other words non-equal parts of matter and anti-matter.
-unable to form yet, just begin process of formation
6)Super-Symmetry Breaking
- after Baryogenisis
-theorized that each particle much have a super-symmetric partner, for each fermion there should exist a partner boson.
-this however is not seen, it is believed that the universe did obey this law up until this point
7)Quark Epoch
-between 10^-12 and 10^-6 seconds post the big bang
-particles achieve their mass during this epoch
8)Hadron Epoch
-between 10^-6 and 1 second after the big bang
-finally the hadrons (protons, neutrons, etc) are able to from.
9)Lepton Epoch
-between 1 and 10 seconds after the big bang
-annihalation between particle and antiparticle occurs
-called lepton epoch because leptons are the prevailing particles in the universe post annihaliation.
-occuring 3 minutes after the big bang
-universe is now cool enough for particles to fuse and create the nuclei of atoms.

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