Thursday, March 22, 2012

Recent Solar Storm

Since my last blog was about the magnetic fields of the planets, I think it would be good to talk quickly about the recent protection this field gave us. At the beginning of March the sun had one of its more violent solar storms, expelling vast amounts of particles throughout the solar system. If it weren't for our magnetic field we could have been in very bad shape after the particles went by us. See our magnetic field acts sort of similar to the force fields around space ship that you would see in sic-fi movies, when it comes to these particles. If it wasn't for this fact there could be disastrous effects on our everyday life. For example our electrical infrastructure could be toppled, due to the particles causing the systems to short circuit and such.

Here is a picture of Earth's special "force field"

Now the beauty that comes along with the terror, this is the aurora that was caused by the storm

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